We bring out the all-star ability in everyone.
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Unemployed and Underemployed
Currently helping people succeed in every state within the continental United States and now Canada.
Too many individuals with disabilities and veterans are unemployed or working jobs below their education and/or skill level.
Our mission is to change that with the
Ability2Work Program.
The xStellar Guarantee
All services and support are 100% free. We do not charge, sell or promote anything.
We hire both adults with disabilities, veterans and everyone else working together at the same jobs, with the same pay, benefits and opportunities.
xStellar’s goal is to provide the right level of support so the same opportunities available to everyone else are in reach for adults with disabilities and transitioning veterans.
In some cases, if we do not have a job that is a good fit, we might be able to help you find one somewhere else that is a good fit.
All disabilities qualify and all veterans qualify regardless of service length. There is no medical, state, or federal application process.
All success must be earned. We can only help those who want to help themselves and succeed.
Untapped Talented Resources
Individuals with disabilities represent the single largest minority in the United States with an unemployment rate 10 times higher than the national average.
© 2024 xStellar Inc. - 888-978-3557 (888-xStellr) or 703-230-0100