xStellar Logo We bring out the all-star ability in everyone.

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Looking for a new job call 888-978-3557 (888-xStellr) or 703-230-0100. For business inquiries please email us at info@xStellarCorp.com and see how this program can be brought to your organization.
Corporate Citizenship
It takes a village (community). No phrase is truer when thinking about xStellar’s journey to employ and support individuals with disabilities in every state by 2035. At xStellar we are committed to proactive corporate citizenship by helping people and their communities across the country navigate life for a more fulfilling tomorrow.
Training High-Five
xStellar’s focus extends beyond simply doing the right thing. We are committed to providing solutions for change. Change in how people with disabilities are treated professionally and socially, change in the type of innovative education options available and change in career paths available.
Autism Facts
CDC reported autism spectrum disorder prevalence was 1 in every 45 people in 2014. 1 out of 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls are diagnosed with autism in the United States. Approximately 100 individuals are diagnosed every day with autism in the United States.